vineri, septembrie 18, 2009

First week. Finally ended.

Today I had, T.I.C, History, Art, Math, Chemistry, and Latin [ aham..yes we study a dead language because romanian comes from this so it's pretty important to know things about grammar and etc... this doesn't means we know..we just have to know.], so..pretty boring.
I had THE WORST week in my entire life. I am soooooo fucking horrible and terrible stressed ...I'm almost breaking up in pieces..inch by inch. I love my classmates... i love highschool, I love some of the teachers...but this was all of a sudden... it was almost a shock seeing that here, in highschool is a different world. I was educated first place... my formmaster was like my second mother, and now... everything's so fucking ugly... school was almost my second home for 8 year. I loved school, i know it sounds so ugly and so nerdish but... i really loved school and this big change just.. doesn't helps me at all. I miss so fucking much my classmates and I miss being me, cause with them..I can be myself; they know me, i know them...we never were afraid or ashmed of doing things that might look too personal or things you do just home... and words you say just with your best best best friends. I miss them and..

...I want my formmaster, my friends, my schedule, my summer, my lover, my personal time and MY LIFE BACK!!!

3 comentarii:

lulu.pinguina spunea...

la ce profil esti?
eu sunt la mate-info bilingv engleza si sunt la fel de ingrozita ca si tine. nu suport niciun prof. e cumplit.
ala de mate parca e garcea si rade de noi de fiecare data cand gresim. o sa o iau razna.

Dudu♥ spunea...

Sunt la socio-uman. materiile nu sunt asa grele pentru ca fac doar o ra de chimi,e un de bio, 2 de fizica, 3 de mate si 2 de TIC... deci pe parte de mate-info nu prea e greu... si niciodata nu m-am referit ca nu imi place ca materie..e destul de usor ca doar e uman..dar... liceul e liceu.

Anonim spunea...

highschool, some say that is the most coolest stage of our life. new friends, new life. you discover a whole new world. don`t think back, those are just memories. live the present, just remember the past [ just the good side of it, sometimes it makes you laugh :) ]. in time you'll see that it's not that bad at all, just be patient. when you grow up you will see that you want to live those highschool times again. you're a strong little girl, i have no doubt that you won't reach the end of the tunnel. good luck!

jah bless.