joi, septembrie 24, 2009

Animals, music, technology, TV, school, pain, love, friends, teachers... every day life... everything that surrounds us means less or more inspiration for the things we do. I am not talking just about photography, painting, singing, composing songs or poems...I am talking about inspiration in general. A half from the people I know has a "big" inspiration in life, a person or a group..or a thing very important for them. But wha the ... happenes when something works wrong with the "inspiration"? You feel bad, you feel like nothing works anymore, like everything you did and you're going to do has no sense. You think that you can't go on if you don't have your "before" inspiration... you can't "produce" something new. Let's say that we refer to music. Let's say that I compose music. And my biggest inspiration is pff..let's say "MUSE". And I write beautiful songs, I am in my best period, my work is getting better and better and everyone's interested about it..and something happens with Muse, and they stop singing. You know what happens then don't you? You STOP practically composing because you think Muse was everything for your music. The same with photography, poems, LIFE. That's why in photgraphy I don't have just one person who inspires me. Sometimes I just look on google for concepts, sometimes on youtube for professional photographers, and in general on Flickr... but i never had just one single person to inspire me.
That's why try not to put all your inspiration and your concepts in just one thing/person... and try to have your own style and your own personality! Try not to say "he/she was my bigges inspiration and...I can't do it anymore".... that's not good because you do what you do in life because YOU can, and because you have a talent... anyone else... it's just a microscopical part of who we are and what we do.

Tomorrow I primise I will try to write something about school... but I needed to post about this subject and the one from yesterday. It was very important for me.

8 comentarii:

Unknown spunea...

mersi scumpo <3
si mie imi era dor sa postez :D
foarte frumos ce ai scris..
si ai dreptate in tot ce zici.
nu vreau neaparat scoala dar hai..daca tu vrei...fie

Anonim spunea...

be careful what idol you choose in your life. do you think it's better to be your own idol?

Dudu♥ spunea...

I don't have just *one* idol like I said.. and yes, I have moments when i am my own idol. *ops*

Anonim spunea...

i do not mean narcissism but the concept of " be yourself ", sorry if i didn't made myself clear. you see, because in our days we try to copy almost everything we see and sometimes we copy only bad things. sorry again.

Anonim spunea...

and copying others we forgot about ourselves*

Dudu♥ spunea...

Don't worry i got the point. Btw can you sign yourself with a...fictional name ..cause like everyone coments with "anonymous" and i can't figure out who's who and who's who. I don't need your real name hehe..just..something different^_^

Anonim spunea...

don't worry. i am who you want me to be and what i don't want to be. so, i'm nobody. :) btw, interesting post, keep going. you have an inspiration of your own in writing this kind of stuff.

Dudu♥ spunea...

Ok as you wish:). In my last 2 post I really had an inspiration. Not my daily..but I had one:).